A little bit of everything and nothing!

me and my family

me and my family

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th, 2010

Good day, I can't believe its been a week since I was here!  Since then I did go to Steinbach last Wednesday to get my ring from Mothers Day.  I also did some grocery shopping and a bit of clothes shopping, yes I bought clothes in Steinbach!  There is actually some nice stuff at Sirens and Ardene's if you look hard, and it doesn't make you look to much like a teeny bopper!  But since I lost over 40 lbs from being sick (check out the living with migraines' page), I can actually fit in those teeny bopper clothes. lol

Anyway, while I was in Steinbach, because I was feeling crappy, I thought I would do something nice for someone else.  I picked up two small bunches of mini carnations, in light purple, for 2 of my girlfriends and dropped them off on my way home.  I think it made their day and it did make me feel a bit better to see them smile.  A 'just because' token of their friendship.  I think we should never take people/friends for granted and let them know once in a while that they are appreciated!

So yesterday, Monday June 7th, I had my appointment with my hormone specialist and no good news...He said that my cortisol levels are below average and that in order to get it back, I would have to let it come back naturally, which could take another year.  OMG!!!  ANOTHER YEAR OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh my, I don't know how I will survive.  I will update more on the migraines page later.  But I do see my family doctor on Wednesday, June 9th, to see what he has to say about what the specialist had to say.

So since last week, my daughter turned 20 years old and yes I still feel old! hahaha!  I have bought her a gift, but I forgot to tell her to come and get it...oops!  I guess I will have to do that today, I am sure she is pissed at me already.  Just one more thing that I have done wrong in her life and that's why she lives with my parents.  There she doesn't have to many things to do and gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants, so why would she want to live at home and have chores, curfews or listen to us?  But that's a whole other story for another day!

I also did some flower planting and a tiny bit of house cleaning...and I mean a tiny bit!  Last night I took my doggie, Sophia, for a walk for half a block to my father-in-laws for a quick visit.  My  husband, Darcy was already there, along with his brother and brother-in-law.  Before that I cut up a whole bunch of fruit, so that the boys and I would have easy access to the watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe.  I also washed the grapes, cherries, raspberries (black and red).  But I forgot to do the strawberries, but that's okay because I had no other room inn the fridge for another container.  I don't know why I am on this fruit kick lately, but I guess its better than a junk food kick.

After all that work, I know its not much, but also being in Winnipeg earlier, was enough to exhaust me.  And by the time I wanted to go to sleep, I was so over-tired that I had a hard, very hard time falling asleep.  So I did not get much sleep last night and feel so crappy and blah today!

I would really like to something productive today, but having a real hard time finding something small to do!
Everything seems to be a big job...maybe if I start a big job and only do a part of it, that will count?

Have a good day, talk to you later.....

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