A little bit of everything and nothing!

me and my family

me and my family


June 2nd, 2001

I have lived with migraines since I was a teenager (too many years to count hahaha).  I am 38 years young, but some days I feel 65. They pretty much started with only about once a month, yes, at the time of the month.  But since I have had 3 kids, they've got worse.  Then they came more often, a few times a month, then about 1 or 2 a week.  And now for the past 4 years I have them chronic, which means I have them everyday, all day, each day is a surprise as to what I will wake up to.  Not every day is severe, but the pain and throbbing is still there all day, everyday.  Imagine living with that?!?!

They way to get thru my day is about 6-8 Tylenol #4's a day.  Yes, #4's, not #3's!!!  It was only #3's until last March when I got mono from my then 11 year old son.  He was a carrier of it, but never had it.  But because of my low immunity from the migraines, I got it.  It lasted for about 6 months, but it just my migraines worse.  Also, the mono just destroyed  my immune system, hormones, glands, etc.  I don't have mono anymore, but I am still always tired, no energy, just extremely exhausted.  I can't get my mojo back.

I am currently waiting for the results of my latest round of tests, cortisol levels tests.  Next week Monday, June 7th 2010, I should get my results.  Don't know if this will effect my migraines, but at least help with the energy level.  I have been thru so many tests thru the years for my migraines from sleep tests in Toronto to having my jaw x-rayed, and everything in between.  Plus all the tests and different medications to go with  the guessing it could be.  And now all the tests and meds to try to solve the energy problem, I am amazed that I have any blood left in my body.

Anyway, enough for today, talk to you later and keep you updated....when I am having a good day!!lol.